Production Sprint 2.1

What we did this week.

At the beginning of the week we divided the rest of the work so that we could start working on the main objects during the next three weeks. The goal after three weeks is that we have a game that is playable and almost ready to publish. We still have two weeks after this sprint but those will be used for polishing our game. 


We changed the whole dodge mechanic and the playercontroller. Now we can change the color of the controller (PS4), so it's more visible which character the player  is currently playing. Because we are using the new approach to  the input of the player, we can set haptic feedback so the player knows when he is hit or when he does something wrong. We changed the dodge mechanic because we got a few problems that we couldn't fix.  So now the main mechanic is actually  more in the animation instead of in the code itself.

If you hit the other player, you will get some haptic feedback and the camera will shake for a second to show you that you were hit by the other player.  This also happens when the cannons fire a rock that explodes on the ground.

We also added  basic animations which improved our player feedback significantly. This makes it a lot clearer for the other player to see what he needs to do to get the same effect.

We also started working on the growing and shrinking of our sumos. The sumos now grow/decrease in size and visually get fatter/slimmer when they pick up food. This directly increases their mass so they become harder to knock over but at the same time this also decreases their movement speed. We also implemented the basics of our starting platforms on which the sumos will spawn at the start of a game and get dropped off from into the arena.

Art assets and animations

We focused on making the animations first. These where the tasks that had to be done because we have to test them more often during the sprint. 

We've also started with making our main platform.  We already added some plants  in the scene to keep it from looking empty. Further details will be added later...

The last object hazard, the oil barrel, was also modelled and textured.

Problems during the first week

We discovered that the previous dodge frequently caused your sumo to fall on the ground which then required the player to mash a button to get back up which is not what we want. So we changed it completely and now that kind of bug is far and few between.

If we tried to implement the haptic feedback we had an annoying problem. The haptics didn't stop so you had a controller that kept trilling all the time. we fixed this by waiting one frame after initializing to stop them otherwise it would continue for no reason. 

What are we doing next week?

We are going to improve the animations and the main HUD so that you will be able to chose your character and your team. We will also work on the bigger props, then we'll start the design of our UI.

Files 21 MB
Mar 24, 2020

Get Sumwaah

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